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  • Writer's picturekaylap207

Take the challenge or stay comfortable?

When you hear challenge you think: hard, unpredictable, uncomfortable, test, competitive, and trial.

When you hear comfortable you think: easy, pleasant, enjoyable, safe, and secure.

Between these two words, which seems more appealing? For someone like myself, comfortable seems like the safe choice. It seems like the one you almost know the expectations going into it.

Yet, the life of a Christian or anybody for that matter shouldn't be a constant state of comfortability. We're told we will face trials and tribulations throughout our life. That becoming a follower of Christ doesn't mean you get to relax. We are to go and make disciples, we're called to step out in faith, we're called to do more and be more.

A challenge doesn't need to be something like moving across the world and living the rest of your days on the bare minimum. For some, that may be what they're called to do, but we can get into callings a different day.

The challenge can be starting a blog like I finally did. Let me tell you, that was such a challenge. You may think, "Kayla, it's no big deal. You just post stuff every week and people read it." For someone like me whose working through not allowing my value to be placed in other peoples opinions and feelings, it's extremely difficult.

There's a fear of man that will try to restrict you from that desire. Where you focus so much on what others may think of you that you never pursue the purpose you feel lead to do! That's a scary thought in and of itself.

So often, I allow myself to live in the comfortable. I'm scared of change, I'm scared of unpredictability, I'm scared others may perceive me poorly, I'm scared of so many things. Because of that, I'd rather live in the predictable where I know I can't be disappointed, hurt, or any of those things.

Do I want to be fearful of man or fear God?

That's ultimately what it comes down to. I have to remind myself that it's more important for me to follow God's plan for my life. If that means stepping out in faith for what God has, then that's what I need to do.

A challenge is an opportunity for growth! It's uncomfortable because we sit in the idea that we won't be good, we won't understand, or others may think that it's not enough. That's the exact chance we get to step into that uncomfortable to learn a new skill, find it's not for us and grow a new part of us, or surprise ourselves of what we're able to do.

I challenge you to do one thing that might scare you! When the thoughts come in of why you can't do it, just think, you never know unless you try.

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