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Top Books of 2022

2022 was the year I really got into reading. I ended up reading almost 60 books the entirety of the year!

It's become such a relaxing hobby of mine. Before, I honestly hated reading and never found I could get into a book. This year, I searched booktok and youtube for finding some popular books to help encourage me to read.

I'm going to share with you my top picks from 2022!

1) Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

The style of book I would say is young adult for sure. It follows the storyline of a girl who's entire life depends on the decision of one night. Whether to go out with her old love or go home with her best friend. The chapters begin alternating dependent upon which decision she takes.

I loved the alternating chapters and seeing how each decision truly directs every aspect of her life. There were times I loved one story line, but something would occur to make me change sides. You truly are hooked from the very beginning of the book. I would recommend anyone who wants to get back into reading to start here! I prefer this to some of the Colleen Hoover favorites.

2) A Court of Thornes and Roses Series

This is a fantasy based series of books. The first book is described to a re-telling of beauty and the beast, which in parts are accurate but there's so much more to it all. It follows all the twists and turns of Freya Archeron in the humanland which borders the faerie borders. It's hard to describe too much without giving it all away!

I picked this book up literally the last two week of 2022. I finished the first book in 2 days and the second book within 3 days. I never thought myself to be someone who'd enjoy fantasy, but this series is a great mix of fantasy, action, romance, friendship, and so much more. The second book easily is in my top 5 books ever read. This series gets really long and takes a bit of time to get into. You'll be hooked once you begin!

3) Love and Other Words

This was such a sweet book to read. It was a friends to lovers to nothing then a rekindling of what could be. You see then and now timelines between childhood friends of living next to each other each summer. It just encapsulates a first love moment and how growing up factors into it all.

I loved this easy read of a book. There's definitely the secrets you always notice in romance books as to why some couples can't be. Overall, it was just a sweet book and wondering what will be.

4) A Good Girls Guide to Murder Series

This series is based off a high school girl who decides for her senior project to re-open a murder case from a while ago that went unsolved. She ends up following leads and uncovers things she probably should've kept hidden. If you're new to thrillers, this is a really good start!

This book kept me on my toes like no other. Reading this at night was not my favorite especially by the third book when it got dark quick. I definitely would go into the series understanding each book gets darker than the last. It took me all of a week to complete this whole series. I almost couldn't read the third book because of how dark and twisted it became.

5) Reminders of Him

A redemption story for one mother. She has nothing when she's released from jail. You won't even know the reasons for why she did what she did. But you read about Kenna as she trys to get back her daughter when she's burned one too many bridges.

I liked most Colleen Hoover books, but this was one of the first I fell in love with. This storyline had me laughing, crying, saying aw, and just all the feelings. It's different than most books reading a redemption arc of a mother and seeing how much she tries to get her daughter back. I would highly recommend this book if you want to start Colleen Hoover.

6) Verity

Another thriller based book, with the tells of one writer having to carry on a serie that was started by a more popular writer. As she begins searching this writers office, she starts to uncover notes she shouldn't have been looking in.

There's so much to say about this book, but it would give away too much. I bought this book not realizing it was a thriller until I began reading it. It definitely can be very dark, so I would check for any trigger warnings before picking up a copy. I ended up re-reading this book because I just wanted to see it all again from a different perspective. It was still as good the second time reading!

7) It Starts with Us

The long awaited sequel to It Ends with Us. Picking up the relationship of Lily and Atlas. How has this relationship changed now as adults rather than from their childhood?

I had been waiting for this book to come out. Personally, I didn't like the first book a lot. There's a trigger warning of domestic violence which I didn't know before starting the book. You really fall in love with Atlas and his character throughout both books! This second book was the closure I needed to understand it all a bit better.

I read many more books last year, but these were all some that I couldn't put down and would recommend to anyone that's wanting to begin reading.

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